“It’s our goal to be the first in the market to bring you innovative products at competitive prices without compromising strength and reliability. We started as pioneers in the web hosting industry and will continue to use innovation and forethought to keep Eurobia moving in this direction.”

[title]Host thousands of domains[/title]

Most reseller hosting providers lie that they allow you to host unlimited domains. But even big names like Hostgator or Bluehost will kick you after you will reach 1000 hosted domains or even less arguing to their ‘fair usage’ policy. With Eurobia you actually have no limit for hosted domains! Some of our biggest clients host over 90.000 domains and we still have no problems and they enjoy hundreds of thousands visitors to their network of websites

[title]Provide free hosting[/title]

Most providers do not allow you to provide free hosting services, or even if they allow it, you will start receiving problems because of frequent abuse reports. This also limits your marketing and earning money plans. This is not a problem on Eurobia as we handle abuse reports for you. With Eurobia you can launch your free hosting business in 5 minutes after registration by investing $0.00!

[title]Multiple servers for accounts[/title]

Regular reseller hosting sucks because all your websites are hosted on the same server. It means that if that lonely server will go down all your clients will start complaining at the same time and that’s a big stress and work load to you. With Eurobia all your websites are hosted on multiple servers (over 50 different machines and counting). So in case of 1 server failure (which is extremely rare and usually gets fixed in less than 1 hour) only 2% of your websites would be affected and that is much easier to handle.

[title]Cloud based service[/title]

Regular reseller hosting sucks again as usually all services (like Web server, FTP, MySQL, email, control panel) are hosted on the same server. If server will start experiencing any problems all your clients notice a full outage. Eurobia is completely distributed. Not only we setup all accounts on different servers but all services are hosted of different specialized servers too!

[title]Start fast[/title]

Usually it can take long time until you get the first paying client. You can spend hundreds of hours by trying to complete with your marking plans and still get 0 registrations. Web hosting business is very competitive and not so easy for beginners. However with Eurobia it is much easier to start. Some users get first client registration in just a few hours after opening Eurobia account! That’s because Eurobia allows you to create a really different and much more attractive service compared to others.

[title]Problem free service[/title]

With Eurobia you do not worry about servers, software or updates. Everything is completely integrated and runs on autopilot. You can concentrate on expanding your business rather than wasting your time on technical issues.